This Is Us

Welcome to my crazy, loud, and loving family. We are made up of a bunch of different parts. My dad has 7 kids, I am number 7, I have 4 half brothers and 2 half sisters. My mom on the other hand only has me. My family is not only made by blood, but also by bonds. I am honestly blessed with the most amazing friends, that over the years have turned into family.

Leo is lucky to have so many people who care about him, we are truly blessed. Leo and I currently live with my mom, dad and nan (my mom’s older sister). We have lived with them since he was about 3 weeks old. It has been so nice for Leo to grow up and be so close to his immediate family, as well as his extended family.

I will go more into detail about these people later on, but for now enjoy some pictures that make us all up!